Update Facebook and more when using Siri on the iPhone /iPad

Siri spellingiPhone Siri is not a new thing in today’s world but most people don’t use it very often. But through this post I want to highlight some of its key features like:

  1. Users can update Facebook status without even using their device. Just by using Siri.
  2. Siri is an inbuilt calculator that works smoothly just by virtual commands – tell Siri to add any set of numbers and they will be read out. Tap to edit
  3. Ask for a spelling and you will get the definition as well.
  4. Ask for currency and measurement conversions.
  5. Creat calendar events by saying make an appointment with time and date.
  6. Set up reminders and to do lists


Thanks to Bharat Gupta via the Add a new Strategy form. 

Need to spell check a word? Say it to your phone!

siri screengrabOne of the easiest ways of checking for the spelling of a single word when on the move and not requiring a whole document to be spell checked is to say the word into a smart phone or tablet. As long as you have one of the fairly recent versions of Android, iOS iPhone or iPad or Windows, they all have built in speech recognition.  I am showing an example of how it works on an iPhone with Siri and this iOS5 hot tip has been on the web since 2012. There is an Android tutorial on using Speech to Text and one for Windows Surface speech recognition

I said to Siri – “spell /filosofical/” (spelt as said) – It not only repeated the word back to me with text to speech, but also gave me the correct spelling and dictionary definition.  If I just said the word it gave me the text to speech version back and a collection of links such as the word in Wikipedia.

This comes thanks to Annie – dyslexic researcher, University of Southampton.

Speech to Text app on a mobile

“I like to generate a transcript of a lecture session and I use speech to text to dictate into my mobile or I record the session”  D.T.

There are several ways of dictating and producing text on the mobile – iPhone has built in speech recognition (Siri) for many of its apps or the use of Dragon Dictation when online that allows short paragraphs to be dictated and collected within its own note pad. Android has Dragon mobile assistant and if you want to experiment there is Utter in beta mode for commands.  It does not make the Android totally hands free, but it shows the beginning of an off/online conversation with reactions!

utter! Android Voice Command Assistant – BETA! YouTube video

Use different TTS voices and use Siri for sending text messages

“I use different voices for my text to speech and I use Siri to send notes to lecturers as an instant message (SMS).  It is the flexibility of the iPhone that is so good – you can multitask using several tools at once.”

Karima – sent via the strategy form

However, there can be some problems when ‘Trying to Use Siri to Text Message‘ as this YouTube video illustrates!

‘Voice Ask’ for research and general questions whilst on the move.

This strategy comes thanks to Sandra Fox who has shared her technology tool tips on her blog. 

Voice Ask is an assistant like Siri, but it works on all iPhones and iPads [Apple app store £0.69]. And now on Android as well [via Google Play for £2.27]. You can ask it questions on any topic, either by talking to it or write, and it will answer you in a clear voice.”  There is a YouTube video about Voice Ask

Sandra Fox – AT specialist – TeachTapin