Assistant App for organising your time with voice rather than typing

“I use different voices for my text to speech and I use Siri to send notes to lecturers as an instant message (SMS). It is the flexibility of the iPhone that is so good – you can multitask using several tools at once.”
Karima – sent via the strategy form
However, there can be some problems when ‘Trying to Use Siri to Text Message‘ as this YouTube video illustrates!
“I have to work with ancient manuscripts and find that the online Open Library record interpreter is really helpful when it comes to Latin roots. I use two screens and scan the manuscript into Word and then add notes in comment boxes.”
The Open Library offers books and papers that can be read online and in several other formats including PDF, Plain text, DAISY, ePub, DjVu, MOBI as well as sending a copy to a Kindle
Becky – Medieval Renaissance Culture.
” I use Google docs for learning vocab lists and revision. I can have all the information organised in a form that I design with blank edit boxes – fill in the Google online form as a test and then it connects to a spread sheet and prints out as a vocab list. It is easy to built the form and there are videos that show you how!
Youtube video on how to make an online Google form and show the results in a Google spread sheet.
Sophie – French
“I use Youtube when I am procrastinating about what to write or revise. I find it helps my concentration and is a more productive way of taking a break, whilst keeping me centred on the project.”
Refseek have several sites that offer videos for various topics besides YouTube university and Apple iTunes U.
This strategy comes thanks to Sandra Fox who has shared her technology tool tips on her blog.
“Voice Ask is an assistant like Siri, but it works on all iPhones and iPads [Apple app store £0.69]. And now on Android as well [via Google Play for £2.27]. You can ask it questions on any topic, either by talking to it or write, and it will answer you in a clear voice.” There is a YouTube video about Voice Ask