“I simply went onto Google and wrote in ‘Autograph’ and downloaded the trial version – this is 30 days and is free, or you can pay for a proper version. I believe if you get the trial version, you can still use all the functions.

Normality Box Plot
For the purposes of my essay I needed to use a box and whisker plot, something that is very difficult to do on Excel! I used mean data from Excel, to create the is box and whisker plot. To create a box and whisker plot you open up Autograph, and click on the button FILE- then new 1D statistics page – Then right click anywhere on the grid and click the button enter raw data- you should see a column that is named Data with an ‘x’ below- enter your means from Excel by copying and pasting into the column which is marked with an ‘x’ above- then press OK- after this in the bottom left hand corner- you should have a caption saying ‘RAW DATA 1’ right click this and then pick the option ‘Box and Whisker Diagram’ it will then create your box and whisker plot!
You can then play around, changing colour, you can also click on the screwdriver button – (in yellow) and then click’ labels’- this will allow you to put axis and label them.
I have only used it very basically as this was the purpose for my assignment- but I am sure the more you play around with it- the more charts and options you will have.”
Hannah course : Prof. Prac. in Health Sciences, University of Southampton
Here is a YouTube version –Box and Whisker Plot in Autograph