This section of LexDis collates resources that are relevant for universities and public sector organisations working toward implementing better digital accessibility into a toolkit that provides advice and templates that you may find useful.
Toolkit introduction section which provides background on what is digital accessibility and inclusion and the history of relevant equality legislation.
Digital Accessibility Regulations
A detailed section about the scope and impacts of the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
Procurement & Suppliers
Guidance and materials to help with procurement, tenders, contracts and working with suppliers.
Materials to help you build and organisation accessibility programme including service prioritisation and building your approach.
Material to introduce you to accessibility auditing and testing, automated and manual tools and audit reporting.
Training material to help you inform staff of their responsibilities.
Useful tools to help you deliver accessible content in a range of formats.
Great links to even more information from across the fantastic accessibility community.
About the Toolkit
Welcome to the updated LexDis Digital Accessibility toolkit. It has been nearly a year since the toolkit first came into being and in that time it has evolved substantially. Because of this we felt it was time to rework the existing content and add more new resources.
The Toolkit is a product of the Further and Higher Education Digital Accessibility Working Group (FHEDAWG) and has been curated by Assistive Learning, McNaught Consultancy, All Able, Kent County Council and the University of Kent.
Besides our curators, this toolkit would not have been possible without all of our knowledge contributors.
On November 12th 2019 this toolkit along with other work by our contributors on improving accessibility across the Public Sector was awarded an iESE Certificate of Excellence.