Inclusive Teaching and Learning Strategies

student listening with headphones to a lectureThis three hour long course aims to provide you with several practical strategies for enabling inclusive teaching and learning practices.  During the course you will:

  • learn from experts and students about their experiences of inclusive teaching and learning, alongside their use of technology to aid study skills.
  • investigate the creation of digitally accessible documentation and multimedia
  • recognise the benefits of multiple representations of teaching materials, and
  • explore strategies for using digital technologies within teaching and learning environments.

The course is designed for all levels of expertise with links and resources to encourage further exploration into areas of special interest.

License Terms, Acknowledgement & Disclaimer

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The ECS Accessibility Team at the University of Southampton would like to thank colleagues and students from the University of Kent for their support in the development of this course

The resources in this course are made available to the public under the terms of the Creative Commons by Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) license and have been been partially funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2014-1-DE01-KA203-000679 (MOOC Accessibility Partnership). Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.

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Course Information

Estimated Time: Three hours

Difficulty: Intermediate

Course Instructor

ECS Accessibility Team ECS Accessibility Team Author

Inclusive Teaching and Learning


This course is freely available to all those who enrol. It has 8 lessons with a final quiz that will only show if all the lessons are marked as having been completed. We hope you enjoy reading and interacting with the content.

If you have already enrolled, please use the ‘Courses’ menu and select ‘My Courses’ to login again. You will then be able to revisit any part of the course.

Creating Inclusive Practices

Has Quiz

Multiple means of Delivery

Has Quiz